Our Teachers

Meet the Crew!

Professor Atrevido - Capoeira MdP Gloucester

Contramestre Atrevido

Gloucester, MA
Ramon Alves da Silva, known as Atrevido, began training Capoeira in 1997 at the age of 5, in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, with Mestre Cobi. He started training with Grão Mestre Chuvisco in 2018. Currently, he offers classes for children, teens, and adults in Gloucester for Capoeira MdP.

Professor Compasso - Capoeira MdP Cambridge

Contramestre Compasso

Cambridge, MA
Jason Ri, also known as Compasso, began training Capoeira in 2001 and has been training consistently ever since. In addition to learning the traditions, movements, music, and oral history of Capoeira, Compasso is interested in how Capoeira empowers communities and individuals through collaboration, challenging training, and pedagogy. Compasso is also interested in how mindset and psychology can enhance training, performance, and overall mental health.

Bakuri - Capoeira MdP Cambridge

Instrutor Bakuri

Cambridge, MA
Bakuri has been training capoeira since 2009, during which time he has developed a love and appreciation for the culture, the music and the movement of the art. Over the years, he has grown especially attached to the slow, intricate benguela, and sao bento pequeno rhythms and hopes to continue to refine a fluid floreiros-filled ground game. When not in the roda, Bakuri kiteboards, climbs, and works to build affordable housing.

Instrutor Bambu - Capoeira MdP Cambridge, Roxbury

Instrutor Bambu

Cambridge, MA | Roxbury, MA
Bambu has been training and teaching capoeira in the Boston area for over a decade, beginning with Mestre Chuvisco in the early 2000s. In 2022 he received the title of Instrutor and began teaching classes in the Roxbury/JP area. His primary interests are sharing the passion and energy that he finds in capoeira with others and building a strong community here in Boston.

Ciclista - Capoeira MdP Cambridge

3º Monitor Ciclista

Cambridge, MA
Ciclista began training capoeira in 2008 in Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil, and joined Mandingueiros dos Palmares in 2017. He’s trained in multiple countries, including Tanzania and Ukraine. He taught Capoeira during graduate school in 2020, where he was co-president of the Kellogg Capoeira Club at Northwestern. Ciclista is passionate about the history of capoeira, especially as it relates to freedom, and appreciates how that is expressed in capoeira’s movements, music, and community. Ciclista became a 3rd level Monitor in 2024.

Estagiário Batoré - Capoeira MdP Gloucester

2º Monitor Batoré

Gloucester, MA
Wilson Souza Jr., known as Batoré, has been training capoeira since 2010. Batoré began training with Professor Atrevido in 2013 and started helping him teach class in Gloucester in 2022. He officially joined Capoeira MdP after meeting Mestre Chuvisco in 2021. Within capoeira he has a passion for the Regional style, which emphasizes more martial aspects of the art, including strength, agility, and technique. Batoré takes pride in both his training and teaching as these are his way of keeping the root of the art alive.

Cobrinha - Capoeira MdP Cambridge

2ª Monitora Cobrinha

Cambridge, MA
Cassandra Fox, also known as Cobrinha began training in 2014 with MdP. Although originally drawn to the art for its beauty and athleticism, her favorite thing about capoeira is the strong and tight-knit community, which she is passionate about fostering. She can often be found encouraging her fellow students to do just a few more minutes of ab workouts during or after class. She earned the title of 2nd level Monitora in 2024.

Formiga - Capoeira MdP Cambridge

2ª Monitora Formiga

Cambridge, MA Formiga has been training capoeira since 2011. She specializes in teaching beginners and especially loves the music and self-defense aspects of the art. She earned the title of 2nd level Monitora in 2024.